I'm about a month into my multi-tabling experiment.
I'm up almost $300. So far, so good!
I began three tabling and in the past week have moved up to four, still playing the $6-18 man tournaments on Full Tilt.
I downloaded a "hotkey" program called TableNinjaFT several days ago and I'm really impressed with how much time it saves. My setup is as follows; A= fold, S= check, D= call, F= raise, Z= pre-fold, space bar= all in, F1= toggle between tables. I also have it set so that the table requiring the next action comes to the top of the stack (I stack my tables). Finally, if I hit the "esc" key, "TableNinjaFT" is disabled.
I have 30 days of free use, then have to make a decision on purchasing this product, but I'm already pretty sure I'm going to be laying down a few sawbucks for TNFT.
I played 12 tourneys in about an hour and a half last night, netting a $30 profit, not including my 27% rakeback. That puts me at another new high in my Full Tilt account.

Gotta love it when you're running good!
Happy trails.
really nice!