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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

NFL Picks Contest- Week 4 Results and Standings

Here are the Week 4 results and standings in the NFL Picks Contest.

Two Steelers fans (ggrouchie and Coach) are near or at the top. I DO NOT want to have to purchase a Steelers shirt. The rest of you need to pick up the pace :)

angerisagift- New England (L 14-41) = (27) pts.
MOJO- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
Vegas Vic- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
Captain Crunch- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
OneAndDone- Indianapolis (W 41-17) = 34 pts.
mrben09- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.

ggrouchie- Indianapolis (W 41-17) = 34 pts.
Coach- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
TeamMiRketti- Pittsburgh (L 24-27) = (3) pts.
lightning36- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
Neophyte-0 pts.
Music City Momma- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.

TwoMinuteWarning- San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
Grange95-  San Diego (W 33-14) = 29 pts.
Fullhouse538- Pittsburgh (L 24-27) = (3) pts.
M Prosk- Indianapolis (W 41-17) = 34 pts.
cokeboy99- Indianapolis (W 41-17) = 34 pts.

Here are the current standings;

OneAndDone- 27+17+17+34 = 95 pts.
ggrouchie- 27+17+17+34 = 95 pts.
Coach- 27+17+21+29 = 94 pts.
Vegas Vic- 27+17+21+29 = 94 pts.
MOJO-  27+17+17+29 = 90 pts.
Captain Crunch- 27+17+17+29 = 90 pts.

lightning36- 27+17+17+29 = 90 pts.
mrben09- 27+17+17+29 = 90 pts.
Music City Momma- 13+17+21+29 = 80 pts.
TwoMinuteWarning- (3)+17+37+29 = 80 pts.
cokeboy99- 27-(8)+21+34 = 74 pts.
Grange95- (3)+17+21+29 = 64 pts.

TeamMiRketti- 27+17+17-(3) = 58 pts.
angerisagift- (16)+41+37-(27) = 35 pts.
M Prosk- (3)+ 0+ 0+34 = 31 pts.
Neophyte- 27+17-(19)+0 = 25 pts.
Fullhouse538- (13)+17+17-(3) = 18 pts.

Thanks for playing.

Week 5 picks are due by Saturday at 6pm (CDT). Only Sunday and Monday games are eligible.

Good luck!


  1. BUT i won 5 dollars on biiiiiiiiiiiitches

  2. You won't have to buy a Steelers Shirt, I tend to fizzle out like a bad fart
