Current Lines

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

NFL Picks Contest- Week 3 Results and Standings

Here are the Week 3 results and standings in the NFL Picks Contest.

Congratulations to everyone who picked the Seahawks. angerisagift maintains the lead for the third week in a row.

lightning36- Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
TwoMinuteWarning- Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
Grange95-  Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
M Prosk- San Fran (L 7-27)= (20) pts.
Full House538- Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
Music City Momma- Denver (W 37-21)= 26 pts.
Coach-  Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
MOJO-  Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
ggrouchie- 0 pts.
Vegas Vic- Denver (W 37-21)= 26 pts.
Captain Crunch- Minnesota (L 27-31)= (4) pts.
cokeboy99- New Orleans (W 31-7)= 34 pts.
OneAndDone- Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts..
angerisagift- Seattle (W 45-17) = 38 pts.
Tino- New England (W23-3)= 30 pts.

Here are the current standings;

angerisagift-               56+38= 94 pts.
TwoMinuteWarning- 40+38= 78 pts.
Coach-                       30+38= 68 pts.
OneAndDone-           29+38= 67 pts.
lightning36-               28+38= 66 pts.
Grange95-                  27+38= 65 pts.
Full House538-          24+38= 62 pts.
Music City Momma- 30+ 26= 56 pts.
MOJO -                      11+38=49 pts.
cokeboy99-                11+34= 45 pts.
Vegas Vic-                 11+ 26= 37 pts.
Tino-                         (6)+30= 24 pts.
grrouchie -                   12+0= 12 pts.
M Prosk-                  31- (20)= 11 pts.
Captain Crunch-         11-(4)= 7 pts.

Thanks for playing.

Week 4 picks are due by Saturday at 6pm (CDT). Only Sunday and Monday games are eligible.

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. colts plz. i was going to wait and take the colts when they play them at home but that is last game of season. i am thinking that the playoff spot is secure and the colts will b starting jeff george,marshall faulk,etc,etc. lmao. so colts plz.
