Current Lines

Monday, November 9, 2015

NFL Picks Contest-Week 9 Results and Standings

Here are the Week 9 results and standings in the NFL Picks Contest. mrben continues to lead heading into the backstretch.

lightning36- New England (W 27-10)
TwoMinuteWarning- New England (W 27-10)
Grange95- New Orleans (L 28-34)
cokeboy99- New Orleans (L 28-34)
Music City Momma- New England (W 27-10)
Coach- New England (W 27-10)
Jo-Ann- New England (W 27-10)
MOJO-  New England (W 27-10)
Vegas Vic- New England (W 27-10)
Captain Crunch- New England (W 27-10)
4th And Long- New England (W 27-10)
OneAndDone- New England (W 27-10)
angerisagift- New Orleans (L 28-34)
mrben09- New England (W 27-10)

Here are the current standings;

mrben09- 18-(3)+44+24+34+17+28+24+27= 213 pts.
lightning36- 18-(3)+36+24+34+17+13-(3)+27= 163 pts.
Captain Crunch- 18-(7)+44-(2)+24+17+18+13+27= 152 pts.
MOJO-  18-(7)+36+13-(1)+17+18+31+27= 152 pts
Vegas Vic- 18-(7)+44-(2)+24+17-(6)+31+27= 146 pts.
OneAndDone- 11-(7)+36+13+24+24+18-(3)+27= 143 pts.
Coach- 11+35+44-(2)+16-(4)+18-(3)+27= 142 pts.
4th and Long- 18-(14)+50-(2)+24+24+18-(3)+27= 142 pts.
Jo-Ann (-7)(-3)+44+24+34+17+17-(19)+27= 134 pts.
Music City Momma- 11-(14)+50-(2)-(1)+17-(6)+31+27= 123 pts.
TwoMinuteWarning- 16-(7)+44-(2)-(1)+17+18-(3)+27= 109 pts.
Grange95- 11-(7)+44-(14)+24+13+18+24-(6)= 107 pts.
cokeboy99- 18-(3)+36-(2)+16-(4)+13+11-(6)= 79 pts.
angerisagift- 17-(14)+17+0-(3)+13+28+24-(6)= 76 pts.

All-time record score: 515 pts- cokeboy99 (2014-15 season)

Thanks for playing.

Week 10 picks are due by Saturday at 6pm (CDT). Only Sunday and Monday games are eligible.

Good luck!

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