I've been participating in an online poker league at FloatTheTurn.com since January. First place is a seat in a WSOP $1,000 buy-in, preliminary tournament, three nights at the Rio, and dinner with Jon Little, who runs the site and was also the WPT Player of the Year a couple years ago when he won two World Poker Tour Tournaments and final tabled another.
We play a tournament each month, with the May tourney this Sunday on Poker Stars.
There is a total of six tournaments in the FTT season, and we have completed four. Points are awarded based on where you finish. First is 100 points, second is 90, etc. You get 10 bonus points if you bust one of the coaches on the site and 10 just for playing.
I was fortunate enough to ship the first tournament in January, felting three of the site coaches for 30 bonus points.
In February, I had a fourth for 70 points, but no bonus points.
March was a disaster, as I didn't make the final table. I got it in good twice when I had the Villain covered, but lost both. That left me short-stacked and I was felted when I got it in good again, but didn't hold and limped away with only 10 points.
I shipped the April tourney for 100 points, which gives me the league lead so far with 310 points. My biggest rival is "beerocrat," who won the February and March tourneys and has 290 points.
That makes Sunday's tournament huge! My strategy is to play tight early, make the final table, then open my up my game. I want to be sure I have a good shot at winning the whole thing next month.
There were 34 players when the league began, but most have dropped out once they got to the point where they didn't have much of a chance to win. We now have around 12-15 active players in the league. But all of them are sharks. There are several professionals who will play 16-20 tables at a time, and of course Jon Little also plays. These "Young Guns" are very aggressive. The final table is raise, re raise, push...not for the light hearted. But playing low buy-in, "small potatoes" tournaments, does not allow me to play against such high-caliber players. It can only improve my game.
And who knows, maybe I'll hang on and whup 'em all! Talk about a huge upset.
Anyway, if you're playing on Poker Stars Sunday afternoon around 4:35 eastern, drop in and say hello. My screen name is Poker Donk3y and the tournament id is 268582356.
Shuffle up and deal!