Things are about to get busy around the Duck Blind.
In addition to the traditional Thanksgiving holiday and all it entails, my son is getting married this Saturday. Since Ms. Duck and I are the parents of the groom this time around, our participation in the planning (and expense) is diminished compared to our daughter's wedding a few years ago.
Thanksgiving will be scaled back this year, celebrating only with our immediate family, but we will miss visiting extended family. Of course, we will see them at the wedding over the weekend.
After slicing the turkey, we will sit and watch copious amounts of football, hopefully celebrating a Cowboys win over our rival Redskins.
Friday Ms. Duck and I host the rehearsal dinner, which we are having at a historic venue called the Hippodrome. It's an old renovated building that sets in the heart of downtown Waco and should provide a nice, relaxed vibe.
Logistics may be an issue however. We are not able to get in the building to decorate until 4pm. The rehearsal is across town and starts at five. That gives us 30 minutes to stage the room. Ms. Duck tells me that's enough time, but I'm not so sure. The dinner begins at six. Let's just say that it is going to be hectic.
The Saturday afternoon wedding is scheduled to be outdoors, quite a gamble for late November. At the moment the forecast is partly sunny with a high of 70. There is a plan B if the weather fails us, but we're keeping our fingers crossed for the moment.
On a sadder note, our daughter and her husband have decided to end their marriage. She has lived with us for the past year plus while he attended law school at LSU in Baton Rouge. The separation proved to be too much for the relationship to handle. I've heard that divorce is similar to the death of a loved one. Although the sense of loss is not to that level, there is certainly an emptiness as the family dynamic changes. Ms. Duck and I are very fond of our son in law and there is a blanket of sadness that has enveloped our home since we learned their marriage was ending. The joy of the upcoming wedding brings is just what the doctor ordered.
The poker league to which I belong is going well. We have completed seven of the 12 league tournaments and I am currently leading the pack. If I can hold on and finish in first or second place I will win another trip to the WSOP in Las Vegas.

My Tuesday home game gets crazier by the week! It's a .50/$1.00 limit game, dealers choice. The latest game we have added to the rotation is named "Bobby Brenner" (the name is a long story). It's played by the same rules as Omaha Hi/Lo with a few twists. Each player is dealt four hole cards with the understanding that you must play two out of your hand. Then three flops are dealt. However, in Bobby Brenner, not only can you play any of the flops horizontally, you can also play the cards vertically or corner to corner. This means that you have eight flops from which to choose. A round of betting ensues, then you get two turn cards, a round of betting, and two rivers with a final round of betting. Let's just say that if you don't have a high full house when the cards are done flying, you best get out of the way. :)
Why yes, we are insane! |
Wishing each of you have a joyous and loving Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Till next time, win the flips.